My Complete Credit Card Arsenal

I’m breaking down every single credit card I use to travel for practically free, including: the ones I currently have, the ones I’ve canceled, the ones I plan to cancel, and why. I’m also showing you how I use each card to maximize the points I earn as part of my overall travel-for-free credit card strategy. These are the cards I’ve applied for, in order, since I began using credit card points to travel for (practically) free in 2019.

My Favorite Credit Card that Helps Me Travel for Basically Free

It’s no secret that this card is one of the most popular choices for those wanting to use points and miles to travel for almost free. And with good reason—the card has so many valuable benefits including an awesome sign up bonus, a reasonable annual fee, and versatile points that can be used for flights, hotels, and rental cars. Come see which one it is and why I love it so much!

How to Budget on an Irregular Income

I know for some of you, budgeting can be complicated enough—even when your income is consistent and predictable. But, when you have no idea how much money is coming in or when, it’s easy to assume budgeting can be especially difficult. But, it doesn’t have to be! Here I show you four different strategies for budgeting when your income is unpredictable.

Six Ways Our Debt Free Journey Broke Dave Ramsey's Rules

If you’ve been around the personal finance community for long, chances are you’ve heard of Dave Ramsey and his Baby Steps to Financial Freedom. I always say that these are the principles we used to help us pay off all of our debt in less than 3 years. But in reality, once I start examining it, the truth is, we really didn’t follow Dave’s plan all too closely. In fact, we deviated from it significantly in many respects. Come see how in this post.

Why I'm Grateful for Financial Stress

It may sound totally crazy to be grateful for oppressing debt and other financial disasters, but stick with me here, and I think you’ll see why there is definitely a reason to be grateful for these catastrophes. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, in this post, I’m sharing why I am truly grateful for a mountain of student loan debt and an unexpected job loss that ripped the rug out from under us.

How Our Debt Free Journey Began

As I am only one week away from becoming debt free (Woooo hooooo!), I thought it would be a great time to tell the story of what led us down this path in the first place. Come take a look, as I share the raw, intimate details of our lives that led us to debt freedom.

My #1 Must-Have Personal Finance App

I get thousands of questions on Instagram all the time about the app I use to manage my finances. I seriously should strike up an endorsement deal with the makers of this app, because I talk about it non-stop, love it dearly, and promote it to anyone who will listen. I could not live without it, so pop on it and see how it makes managing your finances a breeze! #NotAnAd