Welcome to Living That Debt Free Life!

Welcome to Living That Debt Free Life!

Hello friends! I am so glad you are here!! Today, I am launching a dream of mine—and that is to blog about all things personal finance, frugal living, contentment, and achieving financial goals.

What is Living That Debt Free Life?

Living That Debt Free Life is a blog dedicated to teaching others how to pay off debt, embrace contentment, live simply, and achieve financial freedom.

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What’s Our Debt Free Story?

I have been on a path to pay down over SIX FIGURES in student loan debt since 2017, and my (very-ambitious-and-maybe-not-so-achievable-but-I’m-going-to-try-anyway) goal is to cross the finish line this year (2019). Some of you may know me from my Instagram Page, and if you are visiting here from there, welcome!

Every time I post on Instagram, I receive so many messages from people just like you wondering how I’ve been able to pay down so much debt (from $92K to $48K last year alone). I get questions about all sorts of things—how to start a debt free journey when you don’t know where to begin, how to save money, how to stop impulse purchases, how to complete a no-spend challenge, what order to pay off debts, how to budget—and I’m going to use this blog as a way of answering all those questions, encouraging you to reach your financial goals, and keeping myself accountable along the way! I would love for you to join me as I blog about how I do it!

Want More?

To find out a little more about me (and my family!) and our debt free journey, check out the About Me page. And be sure to follow along on Instagram, where I try to post daily tips and updates of my progress. Thanks so much for being here! I hope you will find this blog to be a source of inspiration and practical action steps you can take to propel you further to financial freedom!

10 Ways I Saved Money in December

10 Ways I Saved Money in December